
41º FORMULA 1 


Bon Vivant Communications presents with great pleasure The Dinner Party 30 – 41º Formula 1 at the famous Albert Adrià‘s 41º Experience in Barcelona, 9th May 2014 from 19.00 – 02.00.

Situated in Barcelona’s theatre district amongst the pintxos bars and vermuterias, 41º Experience draws a crowd of curious locals and international diners to the resurgent theatre neighbourhood of Poble Sec.

Featuring a sophisticated velvety interior, diamond-encrusted wall art and jazzy background music, this meant-to-be-cocktail-bar quickly became the ultra-coveted dining spot of Spain.

41° Experience is named for the parallel of latitude on which Barcelona lies and is the diamond of the Adrià-brothers’ many new ventures. Where Ferran Adrià previously took the stage at elBulli, Albert Adrià has now entered the scene in the most mind-blowing way thinkable.

41° Experience is simply in a whole other dining sphere.





Press play and experience the wizardry.

Albert Adrià is known not simply as the little brother of the most important chef of the past 20 years, but as the brain behind Ferran’s empire, as the wizard who helped establish the terms of avant-garde cuisine, and the man as responsible as any other for turning elBulli into the most influential restaurant of the modern cooking era.


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We offer a limited seating of only 16 notabilities at one of the most internationally wanted restaurants. There will be champagne, a full-blown 41-dish-long menu accompanied by selected wines, beer and sorcerous cocktails created in front of you. Expect smoke, speed and illusions.

Coinciding with the great sporting event that is the Spanish Formula 1 Gran Prix, Barcelona is sure to be bustling to the brim on this fateful weekend.

As always the guest list remains a secret to the public and will only be shared in detail amongst the participants. Menu and wines will be served découverte, meaning that they will be presented and discovered on the night of the dinner party.

Price per cover is € 500,00.

In case of interest, please contact Mikkel Steen Andersen at for further information.

Thank you.




Bon Vivant Communication is a culinary embassy representing star chefs and restaurants, chateaux and high-end wineries as well as working close together with various luxury hotels, gourmets festivals and bespoke concierges services.

The diplomacy speaks to a strong network of 500 journalists, bloggers and writers, as well as 2000 luxury diners around the globe.


Hungry for more? Have a look Behind the Scenes.