Photos by Claes Bech-Poulsen.


 First he won bronze. Then silver. And finally, in 2011, he received the golden statue, the proof that he was the winner of Bocuse d’Or and thereby the title “the world’s best chef”. Now, Rasmus Kofoed just received his second Michelin star within only two years at Restaurant Geranium in the corner of Copenhagen’s national stadium.

Chef Kofoed states: “Because of the rising star in 2011 we had a feeling that we would get our first star last year. But the second star was a big surprise for us and of course we are very, very happy.”

Until the release of the Michelin Guide’s ‘Main Cities of Europe 2013’, Noma, the world’s best restaurant according to Top 50, was the only two star restaurant in Copenhagen. Without any other comparing between the two restaurants, Geranium is now on the same level Michelin-wise. On the question about why Geranium has received its second star Rasmus Kofoed answers:

“Of course, the food has to be great; but to us a dining experience already starts when you enter the restaurant. We intend to give our guests a sensory experience from the moment they enter the room with surprising elements and new flavours.

We want to break with the conventional idea of how to build up a dinner. At the same time we’ve focused a lot on every single dish. Instead of serving 15 dishes where five of them are of average, it is important to us that every dish is great – otherwise there is no reason in serving it.”


Press play and view a day during service at Geranium.

The 38-year-old star chef has for years been accompanied by the skilled and prize winning sommelier Søren Ledet, overlooking service at Geranium. For the two gentlemen the future motivation and process is of no issue.

“Everything has gone so fast. Here we are, just after two years having two stars. We are not done at all and there are lots of motivating events coming up. We are working on a new, al-round amazing book on the culinary story of Geranium, and in the end of April we’re going to London for the World’s 50 Best Awards, and who knows – we might have climbed up the list since last year,” Rasmus Kofoeds ends.

In case of interest or/and press, please contact Rasmus Nøttrup at:

Read the freshly published in-depth article “I love to play” on Nordic Star Chef Rasmus Kofoed by the esteemed US Food Magazine Honest Cooking.





“Geranium has grown a reputation for its inventive and highly intuitive culinary approach through its aim to explore the area of tension between the urbane and the natural with dishes of amazing delicacy.” – Top 50 Best Restaurants.


Follow the culinary adventures of Restaurant Geranium on scene.
